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500 Posts

Greetings, Audience (whoever you are),

I started this blog as a sort of social experience of numbers. I have posted 500 times, and thought I would sit back, and enjoy my creation.

If you want more numbers, please write me at veejunk@gmail.com, and if I get enough replies, I will start posting again.

As always, let me know of any numbered articles out there, and you may actually see it here!


6 Earth Cities That Will Provide Blueprints for Martian Settlers

"If humans land on Mars by 2037 as NASA hopes, they'll need cities modeled on ones that already exist in extreme climates on Earth. Here are six high-tech (and a few low-tech) cities that would have a passing shot at survival in the Martian climate. Of course there are the obvious choices, like research stations in Antarctica. But there are other possibilities, like the instant city model developed at Black Rock City, home to arts festival Burning Man, which you can see here nestled in a Martian crater. And there are others potential Martian city models that might surprise you, like ones in Nunavut, Canada and in ancient Native American pueblos."

[via io9]

5 Famous Inventors (Who Stole Their Big Idea)

"It has become clear that it's up to the Cracked staff to re-educate America. See, we slept through high school, so we were lucky. We avoided the years and years of brainwashing that accompanies a standard education.

To those of you unfortunate enough to have been subjected to a lifetime in the public school system, we've got some bad news for you that you probably won't find in your text books: Every brilliant inventor you've ever loved is a huge, thieving asshole. "

[via Cracked]

50 Ways to get Free Advertising for Your Startup

"This year, Apple generated $400 million in free publicity with the iPhone. How did they do it? By creating a newsworthy product and putting on a show for the media. With a little ingenuity, you can get this kind of free advertising, too. Read on for 50 free advertising ideas that will work for your startup."

[via Inside CRM]

7 Pains You Shouldn't Ignore

"Whoever coined the term "necessary evil" might have been thinking of pain. No one wants it, yet it's the body's way of getting your attention when something is wrong. You're probably sufficiently in tune with your body to know when the pain is just a bother, perhaps the result of moving furniture a day or two before or eating that third enchilada."

[via Web MD]

10 Worst Hairstyles In Music

[via MuchMusic]

10 Reasons Why The Internet Needs More Hockey

[via Faceoff Boards]

19 Upcoming Horror Movies We're Dying to See!

[via OMG Horror]

7 Ways To Create Your Own Digg Clone

"You’ve seen Digg, and you’ve seen the hundreds - if not thousands - of similar sites sprouting up lately. Perhaps you’ve had an idea for a Digg-like site, but you just didn’t know where to start? Luckily, today there are several options available for creating your own Digg clone which require little to no programming knowledge. These 7 tools will help you get down the road to that goal."

[via Mashable]

Anglo-Saxon Attitudes

"TO TURN over the supposed Anglo-American common ground carefully, The Economist commissioned pollsters at YouGov in Britain and Polimetrix in America—supported by additional funds from the Hoover Institution, a California think-tank—to find out what people in both places thought about a number of social, political and economic matters. A thousand people in each country were consulted between March 7th and 11th. Broadly, the differences between the two countries look more striking than the similarities."

[via The Economist]

10 Most Mismatched Movie Couples

[via Yahoo! Movies]

58 Twitter Apps

"Below is a collection of Twitter apps that I have bookmarked, posted about or Tweeted. I thought it might be useful to have them all in one place. This is in no way comprehensive and as such I am sure that I have missed out some of your favourites."

[via Lo-Fi Librarian]

10 Lamest Dinosaur Names

"Dinosaurs once ruled the land, air and sea with an iron fist. While that iron fist was often connected to ridiculous, tiny baby arms, it should be noted that those tiny arms were attached to giant motherfucking lizards that, were they alive today, would be lounging atop the food chain sipping giant tropical drinks with people garnishes.

But because God decided to take them down the only way He could (cheating), we live in a world where these magnificent bastards are named by snooty, stuffed shirts who, for some reason, give them the lamest names possible."

[via Cracked]

10 Tips and Tricks for Private BitTorrent Sites

"On private torrent sites, everything revolves around ratios. A 1:1 ratio (or 1.0) means that you’ve downloaded exactly the same amount of data as you’ve uploaded. Thus a 0.80 ratio indicates that you’ve uploaded less than you’ve downloaded, which is hurtful to the health of the torrent. Inversely, a 3.0 ratio means you’ve uploaded 3 times more data than you’ve downloaded. Strive to achieve at least a 1.0 ratio - each site will have specific consequences for members who maintain a ratio of less than this. Attain a ratio over 1.0 and the rewards shall follow you into the P2P afterlife."

[via Torrent Freak]

10 Important Differences Between Brains and Computers

"Although the brain-computer metaphor has served cognitive psychology well, research in cognitive neuroscience has revealed many important differences between brains and computers. Appreciating these differences may be crucial to understanding the mechanisms of neural information processing, and ultimately for the creation of artificial intelligence. Below, I review the most important of these differences (and the consequences to cognitive psychology of failing to recognize them): similar ground is covered in this excellent (though lengthy) lecture."

[via Science Blogs]

10 Wired Reader Self-Portraits

"Possibly one of the hardest photo assignments, the dreaded self-portrait, was no match for our shutterbug audience. Over the last two weeks, readers have shown us themselves through their own -- often twisted -- eyes and picked the best of their peers."

[via Wired]

17 Easter Eggs, Gags, and Hoaxes

"Google makes your life easier with great search, but did you also know it's loaded with pranks, goofs, and put-ons? We show you the best of the bunch."

[via PC World]

10 MP3 Players (Flash-Based)

"These are the top flash-based MP3 players today, but ratings and rankings can change quickly due to pricing and technology changes, so check back frequently for the latest info."

[via PC World]

7 "Dark Side of Science" pictures

"Sometimes science can take a dark turn. Witness the following, from Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, to the "pain-inducing" Milgram experiment and beyond."

[via Discovery]

5 Ways to Synchronize Your Body’s Clock

"When you go to bed and when you get up are keystones to restful, refreshing sleep. Once you learn to synchronize your body's biological clock, your body will know when to sleep and when to be alert."

[via Reader's Digest]

5 Reasons it Sucks to be an Engineering Student

"For many students, earning a degree in engineering is less than enjoyable and far from what they expected. Here are our biggest complaints about the educational rite of passage. Of course, they are sweeping generalizations. Feel free to disagree."

[via Wired]

5 World War II games

"There are almost as many different kinds of gamers as there as are games, but the one thing most of us have in common is our love of killing Nazis. The war to keep the world free may have been fought by the Greatest Generation, but it has been won many times over by the Gamer Generation."

[via MSNBC]

50 Best Places to Raise Your Kids

"The 50 most kid-friendly small towns and suburbs in the U.S. -- where crime rates and cost of living are low, and schools, test scores, and cultural"

[via Business Week]

59 Things You Should Be Doing But Probably Aren't

"Internet marketing is about lots of little things, not one big one. This list is half-list, half-procedure. If you go down these items in order it might give you a decent internet marketing plan for the next few months."

[via Conversation Marketing]

25 Firefox Browser Add-Ons

"There’s no question that add-ons are one of Firefox’s killer features. The ability to extend and customize the browser means that everyone can make Firefox behave exactly the way they want — provided you know that Firefox has extensions and are willing to take the time to install them."

[via Wired]